WoMaN MaLtReAtMeNt¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?
The one that sticks to kill this one teaching to sticking.
The woman they belongs.
the woman beating is a men jealous, possessive and cheak.
The words of the woman beating they're " She did not notice me and I cannot bear that an opinon different from the me "
When her wife does not adapt to his: he resorts to the violence.
the woman beating ther to minimize the effects, to res
osrt th lie they not recognize woman beating. The maltreat the transformate in the simple one "Fight" The shouts and the insults " problems of pair ". not are coscientes of what do. they're in the habit of having auto esteem small.
They search in the beatings her wives for relax, for it not they want lost.
The woman beating they have been malteat in his infancy, It seems them normal