Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas in Spain¿?¿?
In Spain christmas it's a very popular tradition. Usually father christmas come to Spain, before father christmas the 25th december is christmas eve and we have a party with the family, next day we open the presents and celebrate christmas. the 31st we celebrate he new year's eve and at 24:00 we eat twelve grapes at the same time that the bels of the clock, after we open a "cotillon" and have a party we go to bed at 5o'clock approximately. At the next day we have lunch with the family. The three kings day is the 6th january, this night come the three kings and they bring the presents and the next day open the presents and we all go to the relatives and bring the presents.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bart Simpson¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?
Bart simpson,has got 10 years old and he's man, has got a two sisters Lisa and Maggie, his parents name is Homer and Marge, his aunts are Patty and Selma, his grandparents are Abraham and Mona, has got a dog name is asistent of Santa Claus and one cat name is Snowball II and his neighbors are very catholic.
His best friend is Milhouse. Live in Sprinfield. Krusty the clown its her favourite T.V program. Has got 9 tops of fair and having a crest hair. he's a desobedient and does everything whats happens to him for the head. His enemies are: Seymour Skinner (Director of school) and secondary actor Bob. It's the eye right of Marge.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

WoMaN MaLtReAtMeNt¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?

The one that sticks to kill this one teaching to sticking.

The woman they belongs.

the woman beating is a men jealous, possessive and cheak.

The words of the woman beating they're " She did not notice me and I cannot bear that an opinon different from the me "

When her wife does not adapt to his: he resorts to the violence.

the woman beating ther to minimize the effects, to resosrt th lie they not recognize woman beating. The maltreat the transformate in the simple one "Fight" The shouts and the insults " problems of pair ". not are coscientes of what do.

they're in the habit of having auto esteem small.

They search in the beatings her wives for relax, for it not they want lost.

The woman beating they have been malteat in his infancy, It seems them normal

Saturday, November 25, 2006

My dealy routines !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always get up at half past seven and I'm very sleept and then I have breakfast. Later, I put the clothes on and I get in the car and go to school. Until nine o'clock we play football or Magics cards and then I go to my classroom to study mathematics, English, Spanish etc... At half past eleven I go to the garden and at twelve o'clock I return to class. At 13:40 I go to the garden again and at 14:20 it's lunch time.The food in my school is very good. In the afternoon, at 15:30 I go to class until 16:30. At 16:30 I go home by car. At 16:45 I drink milk and eat some buiscuits. At 17:00 I study for an hour, and about 18:00 I go to train football or I go to the academy. I come back home at 20:00 since then to 21:00 I study. At 21:00 I have a shower but if I have trained I have a shower there. At 21:15 I have dinner. at 21:30 I go to watch T.V ,I like the T.V program Autoindefinits. at 22:15 I clean my theeth and read a book after go to bed.
to tomorrow

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hi I'm SaMuEl!!!
I'm twelve years old.I live in la Canyada(PaTeRnA)...I like playing football and listening to music like the group Ska-p and Obrint pas because I like their songs, I like Saratoga because heavy is one of my favorite type of music. I like Mago de oZ because their lirics are interesting, I like Pig Noise because I like the pop's songs also El Canto del loco. I like every sports except wrestling and I like ride on bycicle, play the Magics. I enjoy watching T.V for example the Simpsons and Family guy. My favorite food is chicken and pasta but I don't like fish.
I don't sleep a lot and the game boy boring me.