Thursday, March 29, 2007

William Shakespeare!!!!

William Shakespeare was born in Stratfort.
Almost all the information of shakespeare is not true, Shakespeare was an actor a poet and a play wright, He marrie with Anne Hathaway, with Anne had two children. Shakespeare got a 8 brothers, he is the smaller, he wrote more than 38 plays, 154 sonnets and a lot of poems and some books are pass the cinema.

This is the tragedies, comedis and histories:
  • Comedies:
  • Mucho ruido y pocas nueces.
  • El mercader de venecia.
  • Como gusteis.
  • A un buen fin no hay mal principio.
  • Media por media
  • Los hidalgos de Verona.
  • La tempestad.

  • Histories
  • King John.
  • Richard II.
  • Henry IV, part 1.
  • Henry VI, part 1.

  • Tragedies
  • Romeo and Juliet.
  • Julius Caesar.
  • Hamlet
  • Troilus and Cressida.
  • King lear.
  • Othello
  • Antony and cleopat.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

FaLlAs!!!!!!!! 20th march,2007

The fallas is a tipical festival in valencia in my school we i do the falla. In fallas are do more things for exemple: look the fireworks display, look the "mascletas", eat chocolate and "churros" or "buñuelos" and go walking by any Valencia watching the fallas.

History: the fallas are start in XVII the people tired the rubbish in the corner and the valencian the 19th f march burn the rubbish.

The fallas celebration from 15th to 19th of march in this days the "falleros" and
"falleras "are do more things:

15th are the "planta" and the fallleros and falleras agree until the dawn asseamble your falla.

16th are 8o'clock get up and the falleros do "la desperta" the "desperta" is that the falleros go to Valencia tired "masclets"and then the people dressing the "fallero" and the "fallera" and do the raisin street, the sworn go put the award the sworn are put the "Junta central fallera"
1 o'clock of dawn do fireworks display.

17th do the "desperta" and then
dressing the "fallero" and the "fallera" are 2 o'clock do a mascleta and start the "ofrenda",in the "ofrenda" the "falleros" and "falleras" give the bunch of the "mare de deu" 1 o'clock of dawn do fireworks display.

18th are the similar that 17th but at 1-30 of dawn are do the
fireworks display but this fireworks display is the more important in her name is "la nit del foc"

19th are do the "desperta"and then aree do the
raisin street at 22:00 are te "crema" of the small falla at 24:00 are the "crema" of the big fallas and the "falleros" and "falleras" are put cry.