Monday, January 29, 2007


The greenhouse effect it's abundance gas. The gas are carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor. And there gas are a keep the temperature to earth. For many people they're very dangerous but they're not for she are a -21 degree. How are pollute the sun ray are bounce and prodouce rise the temperatures. Proxy avert send less CO2 at the atmosphere well create drought and half world are in drought by thit.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The princes Mononoke¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?
The princes Mononoke is a film it treats of the sustainability. the princess Mononoke is a movie manga, is very beauty, the movie it's based the nature, the landscapes are very nice and the director is Hayao Hiyzaki.
Resume: Ashitaka that a protagonist he's hurt by a malignant wild boar and has go to fores for the forest king treat him. In the trip Ashikata finds two men almost dead men and ride a your home, your home it's a mini city in middle of the forest and the mini city are killing the forest. Ashitaka there knows three wolves and a woman who makes pass for a wolf and she helps.
L- Eboshi: she's a boss of miny city.

Kodamas: are a spirits of the forest.

Moro: it's a wolf friend the san

San: it's a princes Mononoke and there is a girl it is made pass for a wolf

Ashitaka: it's a protagonist.

Yakkul: It is like the horse of ashitaka.

the espirit of forest

ETA 2 QuEsTiOnS oF ViOLeNcE?¿?¿?

Is dialog possibol with violence?

From my point of view I think if it's possibol but I believe from his point of view it's less possibol because is diferent thought, but I think that we had that to give our arm to turn.I believe that the dialog is possibol with violence

What do you think about violence?

I think that the people who gives not this one well of the head. It is not necessary to use the violence to obtain what you want from my point of view but in this question I believe it's not necessary to use the violence to obtain what you want.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Crhistmas in other religions¿?¿?¿?

The moslem religion don't celebration crhistmas they celebration "Ramadán". It's that for Mahoma, the "Ramadán" celebrate one month, every day it's a month diferent. In "Ramadán" does "Ayuno", the "Ayuno" it's only eat when it gets dark.

The Jew religion do celebration the "Hanuka" only celebrate 8 days. During the celebration do ignite a "januquia" or chandelier of eight arms. The first night it ignite the major arm and every night it's ecreasing one to eight day are ignite everything "januquia".