Tuesday, October 09, 2007

N Present simpLeN

We use: The present simple is a routine, facts, habits.

The present simple in positive, negative and interrogative has a more forms: Present simple, with regulars verbs and irregulars verbs and with adverbs of frequency.

Structure grammatical:

Present form: subject + verb (swim) = I swim.

Negative form: Subject + auxiliary in negative + verb =I don’t swim.

Interrogative form: auxiliary + subject + verb = do you swim?

Present simple: The present simple is for action you do always

I gets up at 7:30

Used for speak actions of long duration.

Elephants live in Africa and India.

For conjugation present simple duck s the finish of verb of third person:

I like. You like.

He likes. She likes. It likes.

We like. You like. They like.

Negative: there aren’t put s because the auxiliary verb are put

I don’t like You don’t like.

He/she/it doesn’t like.

We don’t like. You don’t like. They don’t like.


Do I like? Do you like?

Does he/she/it like?

Do we like? Do you like? Do they like?

Adverbs of frequency: the adverbs of frequency us for give information about the assiduity we do the action. The adverbs of frequency we put front of the verb.

There are the adverbs of frequency:

Always =100% Often =75% Usually =50%

Sometimes =25% Never =0%

I always play football. I sometimes drink. I never play golf.


English Grammar with exercises. (longman)

What’s up? Grammar reference (longman)

Internet Biography:

http://www.ecotunero.cu/curso/3grmmar.htm ( Present simple)

http://www.curso-ingles.com/gramatica-inglesa/psimple.php (Structure grammatical)

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