Monday, January 29, 2007


The greenhouse effect it's abundance gas. The gas are carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor. And there gas are a keep the temperature to earth. For many people they're very dangerous but they're not for she are a -21 degree. How are pollute the sun ray are bounce and prodouce rise the temperatures. Proxy avert send less CO2 at the atmosphere well create drought and half world are in drought by thit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do people always assume that they are so powerful they could actually cause the so called "climate change" - its so egotistical.

Do you want to know what creates the most so-f*cking-called green-house gases? your breathing. Wanna save the world???

Stop breathing.

btw, the sun is getting hotter and the earth is always changing. humans werent the cause of the last few ice ages. we live in one of the most climatically and tectonically stable eras, and no one can seem to be satisfied with that.