Sunday, September 14, 2008

My holidays

In holidays I’m going to Galicia, Pirineos “sierra de guara” , to xiva and to tinajas , my other village too I’m went to Jalance one day to saw the coves, to saltapins in morella, saltapins it is a circuit of strings “tirolinas” etc… and I went to cullera two times: one time to saw my cousin clara and other time to saw one friend.


I went to Galicia since 21 of jun until 28 of jun. I went to Baiona is in Vigo. I went to Santiago de Compostela, I saw the cathedral , is very beuty, I saw Oporto, I went to celtic village, we up in a Colon boat, we went to Zumeria, to saw Vigo and to saw the cyes isles. All days we saw sunset and is more beuty, the water are very cold. This travevl are very nice.


In Pirineos are 6 days we went to sierra de guara the village Rodellar. We did “barranquismo” in the vero river we was 9 hours in the river, in the river we do rapel, swim and walking.

We did “senderismo” in rodellar and went to Ainsa and to Barbastro.

We sleep in tent and the last day is rain and my parents dismantle the tent when are raining.

Summary this sumer are very good bad I’m past very fast.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Clockwork Orange free entry

Clockwork orange is a drama film base in a novevl of Anthony Burgess.

Director- Stanley Kubrick

Production- Stanley Kubrick

Script- Stanley Kubrick

Music- Wendy Carlos


Malcolm McDowell: Alex
Patrick Magee: Mr. Alexander
Michael Bates: Chief Guard

Warren Clarke: Dim
Adrienne Corri: Mrs Alexander

Miriam Karlin: Catlady
James Marcus: Georgie
Michael Tarn: Pete

Country- England

Duration- 131

Year- 1972


The film tell the life of one younger with 18 years called Alex DeLarge loves Beethoven, the violation and the ultraviolence. He is a leader of a hooligans' small gang, to which he refers like "drugos".

Alex is irreverent and abuses the others; he lies to his parents not to go to the school; in her bed he has a bedspread covered with bosoms of gum, an expensive hi-fi system, a boa called "Basil" and the bedside table replete with booties of his thefts.

Alex leads hi "drugos" to invading a house seduces two teenagers in a shop of discs; this one takes them to his house and has relations with both.

Later, Alex is captured during a theft betrayed by his "drugos". Alex is struck in the face by a bottle full of milk and remains a blind person in the scene of the crime. After being arrested, he discovers that the victim of the theft has died: Alex is an assassin. It is sentenced to 14 years of prison.

After having expired two years, there offers him the conditional freedom, if Ludovico surrenders to the treatment.

So, the treatment Ludovico, makes it unable to be violent (not at least in proper defense) and also unable to a nake woman touch it, but, in an unforeseen side effect, a nake woman also makes it unable to hear his Beethoven's favorite piece, the Ninth Symphony.





Best film


Best director

Stanley Kubrick


Best editing

Bill Butler


Best sctript adapt

Stanley Kubrick



Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment.


Ecology is usually considered a branch of biology, the general science that studies living organisms.

Established in 1920, Ecology publishes research and synthesis papers on all aspects of ecology, with particular emphasis on papers that develop new concepts in ecology, that test ecological theory, or that lead to an increased appreciation for the diversity of ecological phenomena.

Disciplines of ecology

I'ts a broad discipline comprising many sub-disciplines. A common, broad classification, moving from lowest to highest complexity, where complexity is defined as the number of entities and processes in the system under study, is:


· Ecophysiology

· Behavioral ecology

· Population ecology

· Community ecology

· Ecosystem ecology

· Systems ecology

· Landscape ecology

· Evolutionary ecology

· Political ecology

Kyoto protocol

Kyoto protocol on the climatic change is an international agreement that has for aim reduce the emission of six provocative gases of the global warming: carbon dioxide (CO2), gas methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).


Monday, September 01, 2008


I love three types of music:

Ska music groups: Ska-p, the locos, Obrint pas, La gossa sorda, oprimits and Inadaptats.

Heavy music groups: Mago de Oz, AcDc, Pink floyd and Metallica

Reggae music groups: Bob marley.

I speak about SKA-P

Ska-p does ska and punk musica, ska-p was formed in Vallecas in 1994. His symbol is a cat.

Ska-P is very open and frank about their views. Common themes throughout SKA-P's songs are human rights, including abolishment of the death penalty, social injustice, anti-fascism, anti-capitalism and the support of legalization of cannabis, and animal rights (including abolishment of bullfighting).

The members:

Pulpul (Roberto Gañan Ojea) - Rhythm guitar and lead vocalist (1994)

Joxemi (Jose Miguel Redin Redin) - Guitar (1996)

Julio (Julio Cesar Sanchez) - Bass guitar (1994)

Kogote (Alberto Javier Amado) - Keyboards and backing vocals (1994)

Luismi - Drums (since 1999)

Pipi (Ricardo Degaldo de la Obra) - Toaster and backup vocalist (1996)

Txikitin (Alberto Iriondo) - Trumpet

Gari (Garikoitz Badiola) – Trombone


Ska-P (1994)

El Vals del Obrero (1996)

Eurosis (1998)

Planeta Eskoria (2000)

En Concierto (2001)

¡¡Que Corra La Voz!! (2002)

Incontrolable (Live album and video DVD) (2004)


A la mierda

Niño soldado



Planeta eskoria

Gato Lopez

El Vals del Obrero

Ska-p in 2005 was stop until 2007. In 2008 are come with new disc, the disc was take in october of this year the name of disc is Lagrimas y gozos.
