Friday, August 31, 2007


Xiva’s my village and and I am going to say information to you etc... Xiva’s a village of Valencia in the region of foia de bunyol, Xiva’s from to 30km to Valencia. Xiva have a 13.398 people, language official is Spanish and Valencian. The mayor’s: José M. Haro Gil.

There aren’t more monuments , monuments are Castillo de Xiva, Torreta de Chiva and Ermita de la Virgen del Castillo. The fiestas are Virgen del Castillo celebrated at the beginning of September, I don’t go and not of what treats, but my dad says of what it treats: During the first fortnight of September his employer fiestas in honor to the Virgin of the Castle and San Roque. They are done Cavalcades, degustations, games and “berbenas”

And the other fiestas and I like very much are the fiestas “el torico de la cuerda” we treats: To the bull they tie a rope in the head and then give the return to the whole village.

They do one in the morning and other one in the evening.

I’m like the bulls of Xiva but I don’t like the bullfights, I don’t like kill bulls.

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